Saturday, June 12, 2010

Handholding support

Development Matters and Amina are for the first time experiencing 'Hnd holding support'through Mr. Ananda (my mentor). I proof read the January 10, February 10 and March 10 issues at the same time and submitted to Mr. Ananda for editorial support. He took the February first and gave me the corrected issue saying there are many repeated mistakes, which should be documented as a 'Style sheet'. Then Ananda took up editing the January and i took the March issue. I completed the March issue and sent the edited version to Ananda and I continued with the April issue editing. Now I am confident that I can do the proofreading and editing of Development Matters on my own. I thank Ananda for providing me hand holding support and good experience of learning how to be genourous in teaching others.

1 comment:

  1. The credit is yours, really. I've seen a lot of improvement in Development Matters, and I think there are a lot of different initiatives that you've undertaken (for instance, learning the designing process and conducting the writing workshops) that have contributed to these improvements. So, keep it up!

    By the way, I think everyone can benefit from developing a personal writing stylesheet. Here's Mr. Grumpy's views on the topic:
