I never drempt I would get a job to green the earth. After I joined as Agricultural Officer, I got an oppurtunity to be a part of NSS programme of PAJANCOA&RI, Karaikal, the college which groomed me. There was tree planting in two schools, around 60 tree saplings were planted with the enthusiastic participation of same number of college students and school students. It was published in daily newspaper too (to my surprise...).
The next week I got an oppurtunity to be a part of National Environment Awareness Campaign 2010-11, celebrated in Government Middle School, Karukkankudy. I was asked to give the inaugral address. I spoke (it was an interaction with students participation accompnied by powerpoint presentation) for an hour to the children (1 - 8 class), about the need of the hour to conserve the biodiversity, greeing the earth is the first step towards that.
Being an Agricultural Officer, I was encouraging farmers to go for organic farming. Few farmers planted a lot of plants as live boundary in their field. Few have planted extra plants in their backyards.